Terms Of Service

Hi! Here is a list of terms that you are automatically agree by ordering a commission. Remember that I'm a person who need rest, can make mistakes and who you can talk to in case any problem or issue happens.

I'm a hyena but a human too!

Terms Of Service


I own the right to refuse a commission for not feeling comfortable with it for different reasons like bad behavior, bad communication, hate speech, religious or others included orders that violate these Terms Of Service.

Commissioning process

  1. Send your request to my Telegram or Twitter.

  2. I will to communicate with you to talk about the commission, all the questions you may have, details and the price.

  3. If you agree on the price, once the order is set, I will send you an invoice through PayPal. You must pay it in the next 48h unless we have agreed on a different payment time.

  4. I will add you to my Trello queue.

  5. I will share with you WIPs during the work process, in the sketch time is the moment to ask for all the changes you want, there is no limit. When the sketch is approved, big changes are no longer allowed, so don’t be shy and make sure you really like the sketch! Then, in the lineart, colouring and rendering you can ask for tiny changes with no problem. If there is any mistake by the artist it will be changed despite if it’s in the sketch phase or not.

  6. You approve of the finished artwork.

  7. I will send you a full-size .png file with my signature.

  8. I will be able to post the final results on my social media.

WIP: Work In Progress


  • In order to take a comission, the client has to provide the reference sheet of the character, or one/multiple piece(s) of original art. Provide multiple reference artworks without any original reference design as a base for the to work is a CUSTOM DESIGN. I do not commission this types of work for now.

  • The payment is done via Paypal invoice. It has to be paid full upfront.

  • For commissions of 100€ or higher there is and option of payment plans.

  • Any commission will be started after the payment (the first installment in case of payment in installments)

Cancels and refunds

In case you want to cancel the commision, the refund amount will be depending of the commission stage:

  • Sketch stage: 70% refund

  • Lineart and colour stage: 30% refund

  • Commission finished: no refund

I'm willing to talk about the cancel with the client if they want, if there is any problem or they are not satisficed with the final result.

Cancellations due to inactivity

In case the customer does not respond within 14 days, they will be placed at the end of the queue until they respond again. If finally after a month the client has not responded, the commission will be declared as completed regardless of the phase of the process in which it is. The client will continue with the right to request a refund (following the rules in the "Cancels and refunds" section).